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  1. Australian Capital Territory

    Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia


    8 Darwin Avenue , Yarralumla, ACT 2600

    Web Site Url

    Ambassador's secretary

    General enquiries

    Protocol and Consular section


    +61 02 6250 8600


    +61 02 6273 6017


    +61 02 6273 3545

    Monday - Friday: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm / 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Consular: 9.30 am - 12.30 pm / 2.30pm - 4.00pm

      His Excellency Dr Siswo PRAMONO

      Ambassador of Indonesia (08 December 2021)

      Dr Marsia Gustiananda PRAMONO

      Mrs Lintang PARAMITASARI

      Deputy Head of Mission

      Mrs Pande Ketut Wuri HANDAYANI

      Minister / Counsellor

      Mr Pande Putu Agus Dedi ADNYANA

      Mrs Widya SINEDU

      Minister / Counsellor

      Ms Briliantina PUTRI

      Minister / Counsellor

      Mr Muhammad Iqbal MAULANA


      Ms Shiza TAUFA

      Mr Vitrionaldi


      Ms Rizka AUFIANA

      Mr Prayoga LIMANTARA

      First Secretary

      Mrs Poppy Ayu OKTARIANA

      Mr SUNARYO

      First Secretary

      Mrs ERNAWATI

      Mr Haryo Adil WICAKSONO

      First Secretary

      Mrs Lina Mauludina ROSALIND

      Ms Angela Duta PATRIA

      First Secretary

      Ms Ida HUMAIDAH

      First Secretary

      Mrs Orchida Sekarratri DANUDJAJA

      First Secretary

      Mr Fiqi Ardiansyah KESUMAJUDA

      Mr Gulardi NURBINTORO

      First Secretary

      Mrs Maulidya Nurharlima SIREGAR

      Mr Bonar Simeon BINTANG

      Third Secretary

      Commodore Yusliandi GINTING

      Defence Attaché

      Ms Irene Yani INDRIYATI

      Mr Reza MURYAJI

      Air Force Attaché

      Ms Phien YOLANDA

      Mr Leo SUGANDI

      Army Attaché

      Ms Mariani INDRIATI

      Mrs Yuli RAHMAWATI

      Attaché (Education)

      Mr Sugianto HADIWIBOWO



      Mr Tommy Aria DWIANTO

      Attaché (Police)

      Mrs Novie KRISHTANTI

      Mr Agung Haris SETIAWAN


      Ms Sarah RIZKIYAH

      Ms Yulia SURYANDARI
