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Heads of Diplomatic Missions

Ordered by Precedence (* Non Resident)

Ambassadors and High Commissioners

* His Excellency Mr Omar Gibril SALLAH

High Commissioner for Gambia, The (17 May 2011)

* His Excellency Mr Tseggai TESFAZION SEREKE

Ambassador of Eritrea (17 May 2013)

Her Excellency Ms Hinauri PETANA

High Commissioner for Samoa (24 June 2015)

His Excellency Mr Wahidullah WAISSI

Ambassador of Afghanistan (01 March 2017)

* His Excellency Mr Ali ILLIASSOU

Ambassador of Niger (13 October 2017)

* His Excellency Mr Pablo GUZMAN LAUGIER

Ambassador of Bolivia (16 November 2017)

His Excellency Mr Milad RAAD

Ambassador of Lebanon (23 November 2017)

Her Excellency Ms Betty Bernardica PAVELICH

Ambassador of Croatia (29 November 2018)

His Excellency Mr John Ma'o KALI

High Commissioner for Papua New Guinea (02 February 2019)

Her Excellency Mrs Victoria Marguerite TREADELL CMG MVO

High Commissioner for the United Kingdom (12 March 2019)

* His Excellency Mr Rodrigo CORONEL KINLOCH

Ambassador of Nicaragua (15 May 2019)

His Excellency Dr Alexey PAVLOVSKY

Ambassador of Russia (20 May 2019)

His Excellency Mr Joe Tapera MHISHI

Ambassador of Zimbabwe (13 November 2019)

His Excellency Mr Samson VILVIL FARE

High Commissioner for Vanuatu (13 November 2019)

His Excellency Mr Robert SISILO

High Commissioner for Solomon Islands (21 January 2020)

Her Excellency Ms Inês Maria DE ALMEIDA

Ambassador of Timor-Leste (19 February 2020)

* His Excellency Mr Jean de Dieu UWIHANGANYE

High Commissioner for Rwanda (09 September 2020)

Her Excellency Mrs Dianela PI

Ambassador of Uruguay (09 December 2020)

His Excellency Mr Mario FARRUGIA BORG

High Commissioner for Malta (17 February 2021)

* Her Excellency Mrs Marie-Pascale BOISSON

Ambassador of Monaco (22 February 2021)

Her Excellency Mrs Camilla SOLOMON

High Commissioner for Nauru (08 April 2021)

His Excellency Mr Gabriel SAFTA

Ambassador of Romania (08 April 2021)

His Excellency Mr Michel GOFFIN

Ambassador of Belgium (09 August 2021)

Her Excellency Ms Biljana STEFANOVSKA SEKOVSKA

Ambassador of North Macedonia (09 August 2021)

His Excellency Mr Sonam TOBGAY

Ambassador of Bhutan (29 September 2021)

His Excellency Mr Zahid Hafeez CHAUDHRI

High Commissioner for Pakistan (29 September 2021)

His Excellency Mr Tim MAWE

Ambassador of Ireland (13 October 2021)

His Excellency Mr Margers KRAMS

Ambassador of Latvia (13 October 2021)

His Excellency Mr Darius DEGUTIS

Ambassador of Lithuania (30 November 2021)

His Excellency Mr Davaasuren DAMDINSUREN

Ambassador of Mongolia (30 November 2021)

His Excellency Mr Maximo GOWLAND

Ambassador of Argentina (08 December 2021)

His Excellency Dr Siswo PRAMONO

Ambassador of Indonesia (08 December 2021)

His Excellency Mr Kemal MUFTIĆ

Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina (09 February 2022)

Her Excellency Mrs Wassane ZAILACHI

Ambassador of Morocco (09 February 2022)

His Excellency Mr Amir MAIMON

Ambassador of Israel (09 February 2022)

His Excellency Mr XIAO Qian

Ambassador of China (10 February 2022)

His Excellency Mr Vitaliano Gaspar GALLARDO VALENCIA

Ambassador of Peru (10 February 2022)

His Excellency Mr Victor Arturo CABRERA HIDALGO

Ambassador of Ecuador (01 April 2022)

His Excellency Mr Rade STEFANOVIC

Ambassador of Serbia (01 April 2022)

His Excellency Mr Sinchai MANIVANH

Ambassador of Laos (01 April 2022)

Her Excellency Ms Jetmira BERDYNAJ SHALA

Ambassador of Kosovo (01 April 2022)

His Excellency Archbishop (Most Rev.) Charles Daniel BALVO

Apostolic Nuncio for Holy See (01 April 2022)

His Excellency Mr Vasyl MYROSHNYCHENKO

Ambassador of Ukraine (01 April 2022)

* His Excellency Mr Kakhramon SHAKIROV

Ambassador of Uzbekistan (27 June 2022)

Her Excellency Ms Dorothy HYUHA

High Commissioner for Uganda (25 July 2022)

His Excellency Mr Paolo CRUDELE

Ambassador of Italy (16 August 2022)

His Excellency Mr Anil Kumar NAYAR

High Commissioner for Singapore (16 August 2022)

His Excellency Dr Elias MUNSHYA

High Commissioner for Zambia (10 October 2022)

Her Excellency Ms Anne Grete RIISE

Ambassador of Norway (10 October 2022)

His Excellency Mr Antonis SAMMOUTIS

High Commissioner for Cyprus (10 October 2022)

His Excellency Mr Johan Pontus MELANDER

Ambassador of Sweden (10 October 2022)

His Excellency Mr Zsolt CSENGER-ZALÁN

Ambassador of Hungary (11 October 2022)

His Excellency Dr Nor-Eddine BENFREHA

Ambassador of Algeria (11 October 2022)

* His Excellency Mr Robert Miky TAKATA PIMENTEL

Ambassador of the Dominican Republic (13 October 2022)

His Excellency Mr Gabriele VISENTIN

Ambassador of the European Union (23 November 2022)

His Excellency Mr Marko HAM

Ambassador of Slovenia (23 November 2022)

* His Excellency Mr Areg HOVHANNISIAN

Ambassador of Armenia (08 December 2022)

* His Excellency Mr Kwacha CHISIZA

High Commissioner for Malawi (08 December 2022)

Her Excellency Ms Arjaree SRIRATANABAN

Ambassador of Thailand (08 February 2023)

His Excellency Mr Beka DVALI

Ambassador of Georgia (08 February 2023)

His Excellency Mr Ufuk GEZER

Ambassador of Türkiye (08 February 2023)

His Excellency Mr Antonio Manuel ALBUQUERQUE DE VILHENA MONIZ

Ambassador of Portugal (08 February 2023)

His Excellency Mr Chanborey CHEUNBORAN

Ambassador of Cambodia (16 March 2023)

His Excellency Mr Sultan Fahad A BIN KHUZAIM

Ambassador of Saudi Arabia (16 March 2023)

* Her Excellency Ms Shorna-Kay RICHARDS

High Commissioner for Jamaica (26 March 2023)

* His Excellency Mr Ibrahim BILEH DOUALEH

Ambassador of Djibouti (28 March 2023)

* His Excellency Mr Baraka Haran LUVANDA

High Commissioner for Tanzania (28 March 2023)

Her Excellency Mrs Tanieris DIEGUEZ LA O

Ambassador of Cuba (17 May 2023)

His Excellency Mr Kazuhiro SUZUKI

Ambassador of Japan (17 May 2023)

* His Excellency Mr Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed Alharmasi ALHAJERI

Ambassador of Bahrain (05 June 2023)

His Excellency Mr Hadera Abera ADMASSU

Ambassador of Ethiopia (27 July 2023)

His Excellency Mr Ahmad SADEGHI

Ambassador of Iran (27 July 2023)

His Excellency Mr Samuel Yao KUMAH

High Commissioner for Ghana (27 July 2023)

* His Excellency Mr Askar KUTTYKADAM

Ambassador of Kazakhstan (11 August 2023)

Her Excellency Mrs Gerarda Adriana Cornelia Maria BRAKEN

Ambassador of Netherlands (06 September 2023)

His Excellency Mr Fred ARRUDA

Ambassador of Brazil (06 September 2023)

Her Excellency Ms Jana TYRER

Ambassador of the Czech Republic (06 September 2023)

His Excellency Mr Janti KALAJOQA

Ambassador of Jordan (04 October 2023)

His Excellency Mr Ajay AMRIT

High Commissioner for Fiji (04 October 2023)

* His Excellency Mr Junior AINI

Ambassador of Marshall Islands (11 October 2023)

Her Excellency Ms Beate GRZESKI

Ambassador of Germany (15 November 2023)

Her Excellency Datin Paduka Sharrina ABDULLAH

High Commissioner for Malaysia (15 November 2023)

His Excellency Mr Ernesto Antonio DUEÑAS AZUCENA

Ambassador of El Salvador (15 November 2023)

Her Excellency Mrs Elisabeth KÖGLER

Ambassador of Austria (15 December 2023)

His Excellency Mr Pierre-Andre IMBERT

Ambassador of France (30 January 2024)

His Excellency Mr Hani Mohamed Nagi ABDELHAMID

Ambassador of Egypt (30 January 2024)

His Excellency Mr Ernesto CESPEDES OROPEZA

Ambassador of Mexico (30 January 2024)

His Excellency Mr Gopal BAGLAY

High Commissioner for India (30 January 2024)

* His Excellency Mr Monday Semaya KENNETH KUMBA

Ambassador of South Sudan (28 February 2024)

His Excellency Mr PHAM Hung Tam

Ambassador of Vietnam (28 February 2024)

* His Excellency Mr Atadurdy BAYRAMOV

Ambassador of Turkmenistan (12 March 2024)

His Excellency Mr Encho DIMITROV

Ambassador of Bulgaria (27 March 2024)

His Excellency Mr Arto HAAPEA

Ambassador of Finland (27 March 2024)

His Excellency Mr Stavros VENIZELOS

Ambassador of Greece (27 March 2024)

His Excellency Dr Fahad Obaid Mohamed ALTAFFAG

Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (27 March 2024)

His Excellency Mr Andrew Peter NEEDS

High Commissioner for New Zealand (22 April 2024)

His Excellency Dr Wilson K. KOGO

High Commissioner for Kenya (10 May 2024)

His Excellency Mr Ali Saad M.H. AL-HAJRI

Ambassador of Qatar (07 August 2024)

His Excellency Mr Nikolas Johannes STÜRCHLER GONZENBACH

Ambassador of Switzerland (07 August 2024)

Her Excellency Mrs Ingrid DAHL-MADSEN

Ambassador of Denmark (07 August 2024)

Her Excellency Ms Carolina MOLINA BARRANTES

Ambassador of Costa Rica (07 August 2024)

His Excellency Mr Jaan REINHOLD

Ambassador of Estonia (07 August 2024)

His Excellency Admiral (Retd) Seungseob SIM

Ambassador of Korea - Republic of Korea (07 August 2024)

Her Excellency Dr Julie SUNDAY

High Commissioner for Canada (16 September 2024)

Her Excellency Mrs Esther MONTERRUBIO VILLAR

Ambassador of Spain (18 September 2024)

* His Excellency Dr Mohamed Yahya TEISS

Ambassador of Mauritania (28 October 2024)

His Excellency Mr Diego Felipe CADENA MONTENEGRO

Ambassador of Colombia (04 December 2024)

Her Excellency Ms Jane J. CHIGIYAL

Ambassador of Federated States of Micronesia (04 December 2024)

His Excellency Mr António Manuel Luvualu de CARVALHO

Ambassador of Angola (04 December 2024)

His Excellency Mr Antonio Albero MORALES

Ambassador of the Philippines (04 December 2024)

Her Excellency Ms Beatriz DE LA FUENTE FUENTES

Ambassador of Chile (04 February 2025)

Her Excellency Mrs Chitralekha YADAV

Ambassador of Nepal (04 February 2025)

His Excellency Mr Rogelio CUCALÓN GARCÍA

Ambassador of Panama (04 February 2025)

* Mr Moussa Fanta CAMARA

Ambassador of Guinea (21 March 2025)

A "*" before a title indicates that the Mission head is not resident in Australia.

Surnames or family names are shown in large capital letters.