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Brunei Darussalam

  1. Australian Capital Territory

    High Commission of Brunei Darussalam


    10 Beale Crescent , Deakin, ACT 2600

    Email Address

    Email Address

    Email Address


    +61 02 6285 4500


    +61 02 6285 4501


    +61 02 6285 4503

    Monday - Friday: 9.00 am - 12.30 pm / 1.45 pm - 5.00 pm

      Mr Mohamed Nawawi Haji BOLHASAN

      Acting High Commissioner for Brunei Darussalam (02 May 2024)

      Lt. Col. Pg Haji Saiful Amirul Bakri PG RAMLEE

      Defence Adviser

      Mrs Hajah Soveyanna HAJI ABAS

      Mr Md Rafiuddin SABTU

      Third Secretary

      Ms Liyana Zarith ZAINI

      Ms Zaitul Rasinah HAJI MOHD ZAIDI


      Mr Rudynoreano BIN HAJI NAWEH

      Mr Mohammad Khairul Amilin TENGAH


      Ms Nurul Diyana Haji Mohd Sabri
