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New Zealand

  1. Australian Capital Territory

    New Zealand High Commission


    140 Commonwealth Avenue , Canberra, ACT 2600

    Web Site Url

    Email Address


    02 6270 4211


    02 6273 3194

    Monday - Friday: 9.00 am to12.00 pm and 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm

      His Excellency Mr Andrew Peter NEEDS

      High Commissioner for New Zealand (22 April 2024)

      Ms Bronwyn Anne KLENNER

      Mr Kenneth John RYAN

      Deputy High Commissioner

      Ms Jade Lisa MURRAY

      Counsellor (Immigration)

      Mr Alistair George MURRAY

      Mr Glenn Paul MAYNARD


      Ms Georgina Elizabeth SARGISON


      WGCDR Rebecca Ruth MAYNARD

      Air Adviser

      Commander Zia Micheal Truman JONES

      Naval Adviser

      Mrs Sheryl JONES

      Ms Jessica Elizabeth Barrie GORDON-GARRETT


      Mr Michael Thomas GORDON GARRETT

      Mr Chris LAMB


      Ms Frances Elizabeth LAMB

      Ms Natasha Jane BARON-BIDOIS


      Mr Matthew De Wit

      First Secretary

      Mr Michael Rinze WASSENAAR

      First Secretary

      Mrs Kelsey Amber WASSENAAR

      Ms Rachel Elizabeth BROOKIE

      First Secretary

      Ms Ruth Elizabeth May DELANY

      First Secretary

      Mr Andrew James David JOHN

      Mr Jonathan Lee BRUMLEY

      First Secretary

      Mr George Tereapii GREIG

      Second Secretary

      Ms Natasa VAGLENAROVA

      Ms Gaia Bronte CHURCH

      Second Secretary

      Ms Talia Grace SIATAGA

      Second Secretary (DFAT Exchange Officer - OTP)

      Lt Col Nathan Ronald MUTU

      Military Adviser

      Captain Andrew Johnathan DOWLING

      Defence Adviser

      Ms Claire Helen DOWLING

      Mr Steven Robert DUNN
