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Square Kilometre Array Observatory

  1. WA

    Square Kilometre Array Observatory


    26 Dick Perry Avenue , Kensington, WA 6151

      Dr Sarah Elizabeth PEARCE

      Low Telescope Director for Square Kilometre Array Observatory

      Dr Jane KACZMAREK

      SKA-Low Operations Scientist

      Mrs Therese COBLEY

      SKA-Low Junior Project Manager

      Mrs Karen Nicola JOHNSON

      SKA-Low HR Advisor (Official)

      Mr Brandon Robert JOHNSON

      Dr Daniel Charles PRICE

      SKA-Low Operations Scientist

      Dr Jess William BRODERICK

      SKA-Low Operations Scientist

      Mr Marco CAIAZZO

      Station Integration Manager (Official)

      Ms Daniela FRANCHINI

      Mr Lucio TIRONE

      Low AIV Lead Engineer (Official)

      Mrs Ya Chun CHIU

      Mr Felipe GONZALEZ

      Low Integration Engineer (Official)

      Mrs Carla Valeria ALTAMIRANO REYNOSO

      Mr Kaushik BOSE

      Project Manager-SKAO-Low Infrastructure (Official)

      Mrs Pooja BASU ROY

      Mr Antony Edward Tuck SCHINCKEL

      Low Site Construction Director

      Dr James GREEN

      Low Head of Science Operations

      Ms Michelle POTTER

      Low Finance & Procurement Business Partner

      Mr Andrew MACPHERSON

      Low Site Legal Manager

      Mrs Amory Venite LE ROUX-ARRIES

      Project Manager - SKA-Low Infrastructure Contracts (Official)

      Mr Jon Ashwell ARRIES

Dates in brackets appearing after the names of Ambassadors and High Commissioners and Chargés d'Affaires are the dates of their presentation of Letters of Credence or of Commission or, for High Commissioners who present Letters of Introduction, the dates of their arrival in Canberra. For Chargés d'Affaires ad interim and Acting High Commissioners they are the dates on which they assumed those duties.

Surnames or family names are shown in large capital letters.