Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank
Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office Level 20, 45 Clarence Street , Sydney, NSW 2000
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+61 02 8270 9444
+61 02 8270 9445
Monday - Friday: 9.00 am - 6.00 pmMr Shane Jeffrey ROSENTHAL
Regional Director for Asian Development Bank
Mrs Shelagh Caroline ROSENTHAL
Country Operations Head
Ms Fabienne Elise PERUCCA
Dr Jane Rovira ROMERO
Technical Assistance Officer
Dates in brackets appearing after the names of Ambassadors and High Commissioners and Chargés d'Affaires are the dates of their presentation of Letters of Credence or of Commission or, for High Commissioners who present Letters of Introduction, the dates of their arrival in Canberra. For Chargés d'Affaires ad interim and Acting High Commissioners they are the dates on which they assumed those duties.
Surnames or family names are shown in large capital letters.